Thursday 10 November 2016

Ambiguous response

A fact that is unknown to the reader until the first few pages of the book is that there are some family members that were not involved in the murders. The Clutter family consists of Mr and Mrs Clutter and their four children, Eve Anna, Beverly, Nancy and Kenyon. This response is something that demonstrates the number of individuals in the family and demonstrating how many were lost in the tragic shootings. The cover also adds an element of mystery as it does not instantly become clear as to what the book is about. This is something that was described as being 'bold' and 'slightly shocking' which are words that are used in the brief. 

The three colour colour scheme relates to other crime genres and therefore may not stand out against others in a bookshop environment or when being viewed on the internet. However, the ambiguous use of the numbers to represent the family members is something that sets this design apart from others of its genre. 

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