Tuesday, 15 November 2016

The Brief - Identification of Problem

The brief set is to create an immersive and engaging screen based user experience for a media of your choice. To ensure answering the brief has a direction, a devised problem has been developed through the responses made to the editorial problem survey.

Problem - In a digital world the tactile experience of reading an editorial is lost through the use of screen due to the physical experience not being successfully transferred.

Question - How can the experience of reading a physical be transferred to a screen

Focused Question - How can the experience of reading the Country Living magazine be transferred to screen


Reading a magazine is an experience that many of us are involved in in day to day life. The experience of turning the page, ripping out articles to save and reading those extra details are all part of the experience of reading a physical magazine. However, this is something that has currently not been successfully transferred to an online platform. As well as the positives of a magazine experience, there can sometimes be challenges that the reader faces such as not having access to the physical copies of every magazine you are interested in and if you do, it may be in your magazine rack at home whilst you ride the train to work. The objective of this brief is to produce a piece of creative for Country Living (UK) that will overcome the issues of physical editorials and allow for a positive experience with engaging with the magazine content through screen. The aim is not to draw the readers away from the magazine but to enhance their experience with the company and to transfer the experience of reading a physical magazine to a screen.

Target Audience

The target audience will primarily be the readers of the physical magazine. This is typically women who have an interest in interiors, craft and the outdoor living style. As the target audience is quite varied in age, the resolution must be easy to navigate and easily understood for all members of the audience. 


The resolution for this brief should be answering the question to it's full advantage. Careful consideration is needed in deciding the platform of which is going to be used to resolve the brief as well as the target audience that will be the primary users. 

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