The next stage of completing this brief is the idea generation of the resolution that is going to be produced in response to the brief. Taking into consideration the details of the brief as well as the responses received in the questionnaire, I have chosen to develop ideas around the British moment, afternoon tea. Further on from this, there are a number of different avenues that this could be communicated through a piece of creative. However, on discussion the occasion of afternoon tea, it is an event that is prepared for by others. For example. Betty's is a traditional and well known location where you would go for afternoon tea. In summary, it is not something that you typically do for yourself/friends in a home environment. This is something that can be taken as a positive or negative. Will this mean the creative will not be of interest to those who are buying the gin? Or, will it open up an opportunity to them? If so, then this is something that needs to be communicated through the design.

1. A poster campaign. The posters would advertise to their existing and new audience the occasion of afternoon tea, promoted by Greenall's. The concept behind this is to give the audience the idea of throwing their own afternoon tea event.
2. A Tag - The tag would be sold with the gin bottle in supermarkets and other locations where the gin is sold. On the tag there would be promotional wording to encourage the audience to hold their own afternoon tea event where they would make the recipe that is given on the reverse side of the tag.
Both ideas work with the inclusion of illustrations which is one of the personal aims for completing this brief.
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