Monday, 28 November 2016

Collage Design Adjustments

After receiving the feedback it was clear what adjustments needed to be made to the design. Firstly, there were mixed responses to whether the typeface for the back cover content should be the same or different to the text on the front. 
Through viewing both variations of serif and sans-serif, it has been decided that using Baskerville for the front and back cover text brings the design together and relates to the classic value of the book itself. The collage wording has been made smaller so that the title of the book stands out more. This makes it more obvious to those who are unaware of the book title.  

To show variation for the quote, Baskerville Italics has been used to show the difference between the main blurb text. The size of the text on the spine of the cover is larger than the above which is a variation that requires the design to be printed to determine which is the most appropriate. 

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