Monday, 11 April 2016


1. What do you think of the size of the text? (does it need to be larger or smaller)

The responses for this question were mixed, some saying that the text size is appropriate and others saying to make it larger to increase the legibility. It was also mentioned to increases the size of the left hand side £5 in the Coldplay design as this is an important element of the note. There were also a few comments made in reference to the triangle for Glastonbury, it was suggested that this should be used in both designs as it is something unique to the festival.

2. Is there anything that could be added to the designs to make them more visually appealing? 

The responses for this question favourited the second design as it is 'visually appealing' and a more 'personal and unique design to Glastonbury'. I would like to experiment with printing both designs and then determine which is the most successful. Other comments made were:

- experiment with boarders using the colours in the note
- bright colours will make it more engaging or a coloured stock
- a coloured stock with a white or silver ink would be really effective for both designs
- fill the circles for the first design, this will make it look less like the olympics

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