Thursday, 21 April 2016


After completing the prints and using all the G.F Smith paper that I ordered, I then realised when it came to evaluating the design that I have made a spelling mistake with 'Somerset' which I have spelt 'Summerset'. This is something that was never highlighted in the feedback and is something that I should have checked before printing. This is something that I can easily change to the design however will require the re-preperation of a screen as well as ordering additional paper in the week leading up to the hand in. This again has highlighted to me that I need to practise print more than a week before the hand in as this gives me enough time to adjust the design and reprint if there are any mistakes without limiting my time days before the deadline. As I now have the opportunity to reprint I am also going to experiment with adding colour to the design. Bold colours are something that Glastonbury really explores of and makes use of to advertise the creativity of the festival. This is something that I would like to demonstrate in the note design. 

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