After printing the final resolution I have been able to reflect on the designs/resolution to the brief. Through modification to the design I have been able to ensure that the resolution is appropriate to the brief that I wrote, therefore to the specific audience. Although I used digital print the resolutions have not come out as high quality as I would have wished. I would have liked to reprint because of this however as it is now the day before the hand in, there is not time to do this. Once again, this is something that I need to plan further in advance so that I can test print in Digital Print a week before the hand in, rather than using other printers. However, if I were to hand these out to students I would ensure that the designs were reprinted to a high finish.
My time management with this brief has lacked as I have struggled with managing numerous modules and briefs at the same time. This has been something that I have previously been able to manage however have lacked with this brief. However, I have been able to learn from my mistakes and therefore will not make them again in the future. It is also important that I remember the intensity of completing a brief in such a short time so that the resolution is completed to a high standard.
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