Monday, 18 April 2016

Feedback on Ideas

IN the feedback session I talked about each of the ideas that I had noted down and then asked for feedback on which the group thought was the most successful and that would benefit level 04 students the most. I didn't preplan any questions to ask as this is the first feedback session that we have had on this brief therefore it was more of a discussion.

Comments made:

- the post card idea stands out to me the most as it is something that would be fun and simple to do in the time that we have been given 

- the map of leeds is a strong idea but this is over done and we were given a number of different maps in our first week at uni therefore might not be as beneficial

- the post card; this would be something practical that the students could actually use, I would have loved to have had this when I first moved here 

- the traditional print idea would be good as you tend to forget some of the stages after the induction (especially screen print)

- traditional print; this is a good idea but there may be too many stages for this to fulfil the 'minimalist' style and size of book that you seem to be leaning towards

- post card; this idea would let you be free with the brief in terms of the way you produced it, digital print would be most effective and time efficient 

Although the comments made highlighted now specific idea to go with, I have decided to continue with the post card concept. This will allow me to fully experiment with the brief and showcase the facilities that I have used this year. It is also something practical that the students will be able to use and therefore will be beneficial to them. 

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