Apart from the original errors that I occurred, the outcome has been much more successful than I had thought it would be when screen printed. On screen this design lacked the 'wow' factor that I wanted to maintain with the design. However, when printed on the Peregrina Majestic, Anthracite paper the true potential of the design is brought through. The shine to the paper adds to the space theme of the design which adds a small touch to the overall appearance of the print. Although the stock thickness is not appropriate as actual money, I wanted a thicker stock so that the print would not be damaged in the exhibition as well as it also providing an interesting texture to the design.
It is unfortunate that I have been unable to experiment with more of the designs that I had initially sketched in digital and print form, however due to having a number of deadlines within a short space of time, I have struggled to balance my time equally between each of the modules as well as finding the time to spend in the print room. As I have not screen printed before this brief I was unaware of the time that is required to prepare, set up and print with a screen which has meant a large proportion of my time has been spent in the print room over the past couple of week. However, as I am now more aware of the print process and the errors that can occur, I will be more prepared for future briefs therefore will be able to plan my time more effectively. To do this I need to set myself internal deadlines so that I am fully prepared for the hand in and that my work is completed to the highest standard.
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