Friday, 7 October 2016

Feedback and Discussion of Ideas

Concept: 'A Field Guide to Typography' based around the focus of local typography that is specific to the town. Each double page spread would contain one photograph, the content about the typeface and a section containing information on the shop. 
Purpose: To inform
Target Audience: Individuals/designers interested in typography as well as those who have an interest in the town/local typography.
Form: Coffee table
Cost: ?

Concept: Hand book for students and young professionals giving them details on the shops, restaurants and bars in the town. There would be a photograph of the shop front or a focus on the type, alongside a description, street name and other relevant information. There would also be a map of the venues and events that are on over the year.  
Purpose: To inform
Target Audience: Students and young professionals who live in the Newcastle area.
Cost: Free

The conclusion drawn from the feedback discussion was that the second idea was more favourited. This was discussed that this is more relevant to today's trends and that it is open to more experimentation elements, such as screen printing and illustration. It was also said that although this is something that has been produced before, there are a range of avenues to explore which would allow me to practise and learn new techniques.
Something highlighted from the feedback was how the hand book would be funded if it were to be distributed for free. This is something that needs to be considered and more research conducted into. 

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