Saturday, 15 October 2016

Commercial Considerations

If the handbook were to be commercially produced the process and content would be different to what it would be to the one off production using the college facilities. This is because due to the large distribution of the handbook, the book requires funding to be produced. From this the following considerations have been made:

Adverts - containing adverts in the handbook would provide an income for the design and production of the handbook. This would be relevant to the audience as the adverts would be directed at the students, such as NUS Extra. Another option is that the businesses featured in the handbook could have their own adverts in the publication to further encourage the audience to visit the town or to advertise events/offers that they are offering.

Company involvement - Through the research and discussions with others, this has lead to the knowledge that the businesses featured in the Independent Leeds 'Little Black Book' pay a commission to the company to be featured in the book. This provides funding to produce the book on such a vast scale, as well as to support the cause of the book. This is another option that could be undertaken if the handbook were to be commercially produced.

Vouchers/Offers - Adding a voucher or offer within the handbook would encourage the audience to pick up the publication rather than other pieces that may be on show alongside the handbook. The vouchers would feature on the inside page of the back cover so that they were easily accessible. The accessibility is important as students require things to be quick and easy to get to otherwise they loose interest and the voucher won't be used. 

Distribution - As the handbook content is focused on a specific area in the North East, it would only be relevant to students in the immediate area. The handbook would therefore be available in the student union areas of Newcastle University and Northumbria University. As this is only a small area, the publication would also be available as a free handout in the train/metro stations. This is due to the popularity of the transport system which is also a popular method to use when visiting the town. Another area of distribution would be student halls of residents. Where appropriate, the handbook can be displayed for the students to freely browse the content or even take home to read. Having the handbook in a number of different places maximises the chances of students recognising the content and visiting the popular seaside town. 

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