This identifies that they are not just looking for 3 YOYO cards to be produced. They are particularly interested in the idea behind the design, as well as the design itself. Furthering on from this, it is also clear that they are open to see where else the idea can go, for example incorporating their 'collectable mechanic'.
These bullet points and words describing Bear provide a checklist of elements that we need to be considering when answering the brief to ensure that the response is meeting all the requirements that are asked for in the brief.
This board demonstrates some of the previous themes that have been taken with the YOYO cards. There is a clear theme to each set which enhances the storyline that each individual card has. The colourful yet flat design of of each card remains the same and therefore creates a consistency throughout each series. This adds to collective element to the cards - gather 10 cards and you receive a free gift.
As well as looking at the branding of the packaging and the YOYO cards, it is also important to look at the other field/media that Bear are apart of. The above images are screenshots from their website, fitting with the colourful and adventurous guidelines that they set themselves. This also demonstrates their online presence and how the brand/style works on a range of different platforms - print and screen.
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