Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Feedback on Ideas

1. Kirkgate Market: This public space has shaped and developed with Leeds thanks to the sense of community that surrounds the market and the traders/customers. From the market being originally opened in 1875, it has survived the second World War and has since been redeveloped and restored.

2. Roundhay Park: The park evokes a sense of community as it is a natural meeting point for events such as bonfire night and the more recent, Lantern Festival. The park is a natural space that is open to the public, welcoming families and all. 1891 brought the first ever public electric tram with overhead power in Britain to Roundhay Park, linking it with Leeds City Centre 3 miles away. This demonstrates the accessibility to the park that has developed and adjusted with the forever changing methods of technology.

3. Leeds Pride: This is an annual event which is held in August at Millenium Square. The event is a positive stance against discrimination and violence towards LGBT people. The rainbow flag used for the global event is highly recognised and reflects the positivity, sense of community and colour of the event. Leeds hosting this event demonstrates the cities support to its people, being held on the square in front of the Civic Hall.  


- 'As the Kirkgate Market is an ongoing event/open public space, you would be able to gather photographs and experience the atmosphere of the market'. - This is a important comment to consider as it adds a more in depth sense of research due to being bale to experience the market for myself. This is a stronger level of research as I would not be relying on the experiences of others/using the web for all my research

- 'The market is something that everyone knows about however isn't really celebrated.' - With the development of the Victoria Gate, the market is surrounded by other popular attractions and therefore needs the publicity to show it off!

- 'Leeds Pride is a very current event that is relevant to the social news.' With the tragic events that are happening and being reported in the news, the importance of this event is becoming increasingly relevant. 

- 'The use of rainbow colour is a clear representation of the event - this could be used in your design through florescent inks.'

- It was highlighted in the feedback that as I have not attended Leeds Pride or any of the other events that happen across a number of cities in the UK, the research would be based on others experiences and information taken from the internet. This can be seen as a positive as the design would be informed by a number of different views/opinions of the event. On the other hand, I would not want to produce a piece of work that is going to be publically displayed without having a personal understanding of the event and the reasons for attending. 

- Through the discussion with peers it was evident that Roundhay park is one that has been explored by a number of students. This would mean that to stand out in the exhibition, the design would need a unique element/reason to it.

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