Tuesday, 16 May 2017


Problem - there is a lack of diversity in the informative creative outlets that are available to those who are carers of individuals suffering from mental health.

Solution - An information pack by Mind containing information and advice on caring for an individual suffering from a mental illness. As there are a number of diagnostics in the mental health sector, a range of different information packs would be available. This pack would be received through the post, through the carer or a friend/family member ordering. The ordering process would be done online via the Mind website. Here you would be able to select the topic of information you wish to receive and the size of the information booklet. This would ensure that the individual is receiving the information they desire in the form that is best suited to them.  

 Leaflet - The leaflet acts as an introduction to the pack. This provides an overview of a carers roles and ensures them that the charity are there to help and support their needs. Recycle stock has been used to print the leaflet. This has been informed by the large scale print requirements and therefore ensures that the product is green. This is something that has been informed by my studies in CoP2. Using recycled stock can help reduce the effect that paper production has on climate change. 

Information Booklet:

The decision to saddle stitch the booklet was informed by the commercial scale that the paper would be printed. This form of binding is cost efficient and can be produced on a large scale. These are essential aspects to a design when producing for commercial print as it is important to be able to efficiently produce the product. This has been informed by my previous studies and research into commercial printing for OUGD504. 

Planner - The planner is an item in the package that acts as a small gift for the carer. Through my knowledge and understanding of being a carer, many individuals find it hard to have time to themselves. This planner would allow for the individual to manage their week effectively by having space to note down activities/day events as well as to do and shopping lists. This is a simple gesture in ensuring the carer feels cared for and will hopefully aid their own day to day living.
The simple front cover of the planner ensures that is appealing to the wide target audience as well as presenting a high quality product. These are elements that have been highlighted through research as well as personal experience of such products. 

Contact Cards - The contact cards allow for the carer to note down new or provided contacts. Due to the size of the card they are able to be easily transported in wallets/purses. This results in the information being available at a number of occasions. This also means that the carer does not have to search online each time they require a phone number/website/point of contact. Once this contact has been found they can make a note of the information and keep it with them.
Colouring Book - The aim of the colouring book is to give the carer something to help aid their own mental health. Through research it has been identified that individuals use art to express their own feelings as well as helping them relax. Colouring books are a popular current form of relaxation which has informed the inclusion of this in the information pack. Due to the pack being posted, the colouring book would be A4, allowing it to easily fit into an envelope as well as being easily transportable when used.   

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