As highlighted in the research initially carried out to gather an understanding of the information available to those suffering from mental health, it was difficult to know where to receive this information from. It is therefore essential that the creative pack is advertised in an efficient and effective way. This will ensure that the appropriate audience are aware of where the information can be found.
The following designs have been influenced by the poster research that was carried out for Studio Brief 01. This research influenced the creative more so than the creative produced by Mind and the NHS as it provides an alternative look to the advertising piece. This will allow the design to stand out in the various locations that it will be displayed, as well as reducing the clinical appearance that may typically be associated with design that has such purpose.
To reach as wide an audience as possible, there would need to be a large scale distribution of the posters. They would therefore be advertised in locations such as train stations, hospital/doctor waiting rooms, bus stops and on the interior bus displays. These are all placements where people will be sat waiting for a short or long period of time and therefore are more likely to take it their surroundings and make note of what they see. The location of the advertising would differ depending on the target audience that the care pack is aimed at. For example, other packs that provide information for young carers would require advertising on school noticeboards and University student unions.
Considering the wide target audience that the packs are aimed at, it would also be appropriate to produce a short video to advertise the information pack. This demonstrates an alternative method of advertising that would be seen by those who are active users of social media. Through analysing the current media that is used by the charity, they already have an animated illustration style that is used in short videos posted on YouTube. To maintain their brand appearance, a similar style could be used in this approach. The videos would be short and therefore the most important information received in the first few sections of the viewer watching the video. This reflects the fast pace speed of social media.
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