Monday, 23 October 2017

Final Outcome + Evaluation

This live brief for a client has developed my skills in communication in terms of design terminology and feedback. Working with an individual who has a certain level of creativity has held its challenges as well as positives. Although the design chosen by the client is not one that I feel is the most visually effective, it has taught me to respect the clients wishes. From a personal point of view, the KS initial design is not well executed and was completed from the direction of the client. Using a photograph on the business cards reflects the style and genre of the photographer however can present issues if the style of the photographer were to vary. However, for the event that the business cards were produced for, including this image is relevant at this time. 

Overall the collaboration with the client was successful and has built my confidence in being passionate about the work I produce. It has also taught me the importance of being able to listen to constructive comments and being able to make the appropriate adjustments. With this brief I felt that my own creative direction was overpowered by the wants of the client due to the high level of creative input that they had within the design process. 

The final outcome was selected by the client to ensure that the design reflected their aspirations for the design. The stock chosen by the client was a 300gsm recycled paper. This reflects their environmental considerations in their work however meant there was a lack of colour in the outcome. 

A secondary outcome has been presented in response to the design that I feel suits the purpose of the client more effectively. The clean layout is appropriate for the busy scenario of Paris Photo which is the event the outcome was produced for. 

Ordering Print

Having not previously used a company to print designs, this was a new process to go through. The company provided no requirements to the file type that the design should be sent in and it was therefore decided to package the InDesign file. This allows for a range of file types to be presented to the company. This also required a level of professionalism when corresponding with the company to ensure that the correct information about the design was present. 

Thursday, 19 October 2017

Penguin Random House Studen Competition

The Penguin Random House student competition is relevant to my practice as I have an interest in book jacket design. This interest has stemmed from starting to read from a young age and has continued on in my creative practice. 
Having previously entered the competition, I am now more aware of what makes a successful entry and the time that is needed to complete the brief. 

The Brief - 'You are invited to design a cover look for Noughts & Crosses to bring this original and unforgettable book to a new generation of readers. The design should ensure that this important book remains a must-read for every teenager.' 

Time Scale - 1 Month Research, 2 Week Production

Although the time scale for research outways the production, this allows for sufficient time to gather primary and secondary research. As part of the completion of this brief, I am going to read the chosen book to gain a better understanding of the story. This will therefore provide a more informed approach to the outcome. 

- 'We are looking for a striking cover design that is well executed, has an imaginative concept and clearly places the book for its market. The cover should encourage children to pick up the book and buy it for themselves and should also engage adults to want to buy it for them.'  This element to the brief gives a clear direction for the initial starting point to the brief. Research will be carried out into current book jacket designs as well as those that have been completed for the book previously.

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Final Outcome Development

To overcome the technical issue of having the 'DOCUMENTARY TYPE' reading the wrong way, I spoke to the technicians who were able to assist me in discovering a way to alter the text so that it would read from left to right. 

Through a discussion with Kris over the border on the front of the design, we experimented with the yellow (f5e187) colour swatch from the photograph and white. The yellow adds a burst of colour and works cohesively with the photograph however Kris felt that it made the design 'too happy and playful' which does not reflect the genre of photography. The white border makes the design appear washed out and takes too much focus away from the photograph. It was therefore decided to remove the border all together and have a tighter version on the back of the card. 

Friday, 13 October 2017

How to write a lab report

Guide To Writing Research Reports, University of Essex

1. Title
- A single line description of the study, mentioning the independent and dependent variables

2. Abstract
- A short summary of the report
- Description of the rationale and of the method, results and discussions section
- 100 to 120 words

3. Introduction
- Why you did it
- This should be appropriate for someone who is not an expert
- Define the area that you wish to study

4. Method
- How you did it
- Participants, Apparatus, Materials, Design, Procudure

- What you found
- Descriptive statistics 
- Inferential statistics 

- What you think it means
- Relate results to hypothesis
- How confident can we be in the results?
- Suggest constructive ways to improve your study (if appropriate)
- Implications of findings

- Bibligraphy

Presenting the findings in a report format would relate back to the original research intentions. However, from the research carried out and analysing this, the research proposal format lacks engagement with the audience and understanding the information can be a lengthy process. This format would be presented in an alternative way to make it more engaging for the reader. 

Thursday, 12 October 2017

Colour psychology and clothing

Further research has been carried out on the subject of colour psychology and clothing. This will inform correlations to look out for in the primary research as well as indicate any other varying aspects.

Effects of color on emotions.
By Valdez, Patricia,Mehrabian, Albert
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, Vol 123(4), Dec 1994, 394-409
Emotional reactions to color hue, saturation, and brightness (Munsell color system and color chips) were investigated using the Pleasure-Arousal-Dominance emotion model. Saturation (S) and brightness (B) evidenced strong and consistent effects on emotions. Blue, blue-green, green, red-purple, purple, and purple-blue were the most pleasant hues, whereas yellow and green-yellow were the least pleasant. Green-yellow, blue-green, and green were the most arousing, whereas purple-blue and yellow-red were the least arousing. Green-yellow induced greater dominance than red-purple. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)

Dan Thomas, Image Doctor.Although the level of authenticity to this information is unclear, interesting suggestions are made which could be applied to the primary research.
  • Dark colours are perceived as more formal, dominant and authoritative
  • Light colours make the wearer appear more friendly and approachable
  • Some bright colours convey confidence and energy
  • Muted colours are conservative and less threatening
  • Contrasting colours can also send a certain message. The higher the degree of contrast such as wearing a black suit  and white shirt or a navy suit and white shirt can create a very powerful image.

An exploratory study: Relationships between trying on clothing, mood, emotion, personality and clothing preference. Wendy Mood (The University of Manchester, UK)

This study sets out to explore the application of psychological research methods (as yet not applied) in the fashion arena. The aim of this project is to quantify, formalise and explore the causal relationships between clothing style, preference, personality factors, emotions and mood with a view to a better understanding of the psychological profile of the fashion consumer. This study is a developed version of the primary research to be carried out. 
- Uniformly composed samples of females, similar age, occupation and dress size (participant variables). Such variables must be consistent to ensure the true source of the change to the dependant variables. 
- Quantitative research
- 2 Questionnaires, aim: examine emotion, mood and personality before trying on a set of eight garments categorized according to style. Afterwards, to examine emotion and mood while wearing each outfit. Questionnaires are an unbiased way for the researcher to gather information. However, there are issues with the respondents feeling as though they should answer the questions with what they believe the researcher to want. 
- Photograph of participants were taken wearing each of the outfits
- Participants ranked the outfits in order of preference
- SPSS analysis identified relationships and preference indicators
The results indicated strong relationships between mood and significant relationships between three out of five personality factors and clothing style preference; mood was a significant predictor of preference, whilst personality was moderate
- When trying on unfamiliar clothing (e.g. whilst shopping), clothing is used as an appearance and mood management tool by reflecting or managing positive or negative mood. 
- The results showed the varying levels of emotion an outfit can generate and the power of clothing on individual emotions

- Methodology required lengthy time commitments and therefore limited sample size, making generalization difficult

Clothes Can Change/Affect Mood:
- University of Queensland interviewed people and observed their clothing choices to find out whether clothing reflected the individual's mood or whether they were wearing the clothing to change their mood. The results found that we typically dress how we'd like to feel or how we'd like others to think we feel. 
- Social Psychological and Personalist Science found that certain people wearing formal business attire feel more powerful and in control of things than those in under-dressed clothing. The same study also found that those in formal clothing were found to think faster on their feet and had more creative ideas.
- Athletes in red clothing won more events in the 2004 Olympic games than their competitors in blue. Following this a study, published in the Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, found that people who exercised in red could lift heavier weights and had higher average heart rates, indicating they were working harder than those wearing blue, even though both groups reported similar rates of exertion.
Although the above information is in relation to different types of clothing, they could be variables that influence the mood of the participant in a study - it could be the type of clothing that influences the mood and not the colour.  

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Psychology of colour in design

The Psychology of Colour in Marketing and Branding
Gregory Ciotti, Marketing Strategist
April 13, 2016

'The psychology of color as it relates to persuasion is one of the most interesting--and most controversial - aspects of marketing.' 

In this article, the question as to why colour psychology is backed with so little factual data is answered in terms of their being so many varying factors that can influence the effect colour can have on an individual. Elements such as personal preference, experiences, upbringing, cultural differences, context, etc. When investigating colour, it is perhaps key in controlling as many extraneous variables as possible to ensure that the conclusion drawn is not lowered in validity. 

The article also states that 'color is too dependent on personal experience to be universally translated to specific feelings.' Is this subjective to the investigation? 

'In an appropriately titled study called Impact of Color in Marketing, researchers found that up to 90% of snap judgments made about products can be based on color alone (depending on the product).' This would suggest that colour does have an affect on a persons response and therefore is a key area to explore in design. This is further supported by research that concludes that the brain responds better to name brands (Radiological Society of North America, 2006). It is therefore important for new brands to use colours that differentiate from their competitors in order to stand out. However, does this go against the use of colour if consumers are more likely to go with what they recognise?


Following on from the discussions had over the research conducted, I experimented with a range of different typographic forms. Through Kris's comments, she highlighted that the preferred typeface would be sans-serif. This reflects her modern day approach to photography as well as appearing professional and slyck. 

Through experimenting with type on a different photograph, it is clear that bold colours are needed to allow for the text to stand out. 

After completing the above designs, feedback was gained from peers as well as from Kristina.
- The circle designs draw attention to the logo without imposing on the photograph
- The text around the outside of circle adds the relevant information but I'm not sure it reads correctly
- The border around the outside defines the shape and fits well with the photograph
- The rectangle design is harsher than the circle due to the sharp edges

Taking on board the comments made, further experimentation is going to be carried out. Adjusting the 'DOCUMENTARY PHOTOGRAPHY' text to read correctly is something that is proving difficult to navigate with in Illustrator. 

Going back to the notes made in the research discussion, the following experiments involved using handwritten type. This can be seen to add personality to a design and therefore enhancing the personality that is being displayed.

Through each stage of development for the business cards, Kris's feedback is essential in the progression of the design. To ensure that this is received, the document with each design on is shared with her and the request for feedback is made.  

Feedback From Kristina:
- In a meeting with Kris held over the front design of the cards, we discussed the differences between the handwritten and sans-serif type. Although the handwritten type adds personality to the design, we both felt that it lacked professionalism. 
- 'The 4th design reflects my easy going personality however this does not represent the serious issues that I photograph. I feel this design is not appropriate for the themes that I am exploring through my work.'
- 'The 5th design is strong, the way the letter are formed suggests a strong name/brand. The documentary photography works well but it might be better to read the correct way. I like the positioning of the full image.'

Information side - 

Feedback from Kristina: 
-  'I am drawn to the design with the border as it adds definition to the design and flows well with the front of the card. Some of the other designs have too much white space.

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Colour and Clothing

Castillo, S. 2015. How 'Thin Slicing' Clothes and Colour Psychology Can Effectively Determine Certain Personality Traits. [ONLINE] Available at

- The clothes we wear, the style, cut and colour, are capable of communicating certain traits of our personality
- First impressions are typically main within a matter of minutes of meeting a person
- Studies have suggested that if people glance at your shoes, they can correctly judge your age, political affiliation and emotional personality traits
- We're exposed to colour psychology as soon as we're born
- Colour has the power to evoke femininity, masculinity, emotion and appetite

Biology Letters, study.
- 'in neutral settings, men wearing red were perceived as more aggressive and angry than men wearing blue or gray. In a 2009  study, Dr. Juliet Zhu found the color blue suggests “knowledge, power, integrity, and seriousness. It evokes a sense of calmness while stimulating creativity.”
Women wearing red, on the other hand, are perceived differently. In fact, men report feeling more sexually attracted to women in red clothes and lipstick; they’re even willing to spend more money on their date.

Business Insider recently reviewed  reviewed several studies relating to first impressions. Among these studies were a couple that found the quality and cut of clothes are capable of communicating your status and level of intelligence.

  • - e.g people wearing name-brand clothes are perceived as higher status than those wearing conventional brands.
  • - people who have their clothes tailored are considered to be more successful than those who wear clothes that aren’t as fitted or flattering.

This is a direction within colour that I have not previously considered. 

Monday, 9 October 2017

Sample Pack

Face Media Group, OFMG Sample Pack.

When researching companies to consider for printing the designs, the most important element was that they print using recycled/environmentally considered stock. As Kris wanted to engage with the stock before printing, one company that stood out was Face Media Group as they offered a Sample Pack. 

The Sample Pack contained a range of different stocks and products that can be printed through the company. 

This is the recycled business card stock that the company use. The stock is an appropriate thickness for a business card, with enough flexibility to not appear as grey board however is durable enough to be used for it's purpose. 
From being able to engage with the stock and through already having correspondence with the company, it has been mutually decided to print the designs through Face Media Group. 

Colour Psychology

Research Brief: The aim of this project is to better my understanding of colour and the psychological theories behind colour use. 

McLeod, J.  Colour Psychology Today.

Notes from, Chapter 4, Colour Associations:
- 'Colour association can be historical, national, cultural, personal and is also visual'
- Colour associations differ with cultures. This is important to recognise when applying colour to branding. Showing this understanding is a way of demonstrating respect to cultures

- Each day has its own colour. The ancients believed and practiced this. It is something that has been passed down through the ages. The example of the Queen often wearing green on her visits on a friday was given in the text.

Monday - Violet
- Consider achievements for the week

Tuesday - Red
- Put the thoughts and plans into action that you are most passionate about

Wednesday - Yellow
- Oversee everything that is in place

Thursday - Sky Blue
- Communicate your strategy to all concerned
- Ensure everyone is supported and confident they will complete the weekly task on time

Friday - Green
- Check over final details

Saturday - Indigo
- Relax, enjoy hobbies, activities

Sunday - Orange
- Sociable, family gatherings, rest

Note: It might be interesting to photograph the same people each day of the week for a set period of time and investigate whether there are colour trends that emerge. 

Corporate Blues
- Stress in the working environment is an increasing problem in today's society. McLeod suggests that more leaders and heads of industry need to test out colourful environments to determine the full effect that can be had. Although not all stress related issues can be solved through subtle changes to the environment, these changes could prevent in the future.
Note: Consider how design and colour can help address poor mental health in the workplace.
- Wearing indigo/navy blue reduces blood pressure, keeps you calm and reduces sweating. It nourishes on a mental level. Having indigo/navy objects around you can also help focus the mind
- Violet is the colour of inspiration and creativity. View or consume violet things to help recharge your energy
- Think pink to avoid confrontation. 
- Magenta is uplifting, inspiring and fearless. This is a colour that can boost your confidence
- Orange is the colour of happiness and can help life the mood
This information has to be interpreted with an open mind. In this case, it is one person's opinion. Whether this is chosen to be believed by all, is up to the individual.

- Colour is the most powerful form of communication

- 'The colour choice and meaning change, dependent on the business, the environment, the placement, culture and the country' 

Its Nice That. Podcast, Colour. Ft. Laurie Pressman, Stuart Semple and Angela Wright

- David Hockney
- Q:Do you think there are any brands that have particularly harnessed a colour well? A: Coco Cola red

Angela Wright, Colour Psychologist
- 'we don't respond to colour in isolation, we respond to a number of colours' 
- Red, blue, yellow, green. the four psychological primary colours
- Yellow activates emotions
- Red is physical, raising pulse rate and blood pressure
- Blue, intelectual activity
- 'Black is a security balnket'
- 'Grey is the colour of austerity' 
- When consciously choosing clothing items, individuals are making unconsciously making decisions that they are not aware of 
- 'we wouldn't have survived evolution as well as we did if we didn't have colour.  Colour is the universal nonverbal language that everybody speaks'
- 'we are born with an instinct for colour' 
- The worlds favourite colour is blue, proven by research
- Blind people can differentiate colours with their finger tips. Some can not only say that they are different colours, but also decipher which colour it is

Friday, 6 October 2017

Research Brief

An area of personal interest is in colour psychology. This interest has stemmed from a developing knowledge of colour as well as the psychological links that it has. 

The Brief: Investigate the relationship between colour and psychology. Collate findings.

Thursday, 5 October 2017


This mood board was created by Kris, highlighting the elements of the business cards that she likes and her thoughts on how they could work in her own branding. This was a great starting point for the research as I could reflect her ideas with my own and see which design elements overlapped. 

One element that I highlighted as being important is the inclusion of a photograph on one side of the card. Through being a receiver of a business card, the first impressions are always made on the front facing design. For a photographer, it is important for the audience to understand the style of the individual whose business card you are viewing so that they can make a connection with such genre.  

As Kris is a documentary photographer who is very aware of the events that are happening globally, whether that be socially or environmentally, I have suggested that this be an element that is evidenced in some way through the design. One way in which this could be done is by using a recycled stock for printing as well as ensuring that the print process is as efficient as it can be. 
Together we have looked through a number of companies who print business cards highlighting the pros/cons of each. It was decided to print the design through a company due to the timeframe that we have as well as the stock that we would prefer to use. 

100 Day Challenge

The brief - To complete a piece of artwork/design each day for 100 days. Each week a new style/technique/design form must be experimented with and documented through Instagram. 

- Instagram users
-  18-25 Male and Female
- Proffessionals in the creative field

Time Scale: 100 Days, 5.10.17 to 12/01.18

Mandatory Requirements: Experiments with different features of software, ensure it is reflective of personal/creative interests

This brief will allow me to explore areas in design and illustration that I have not previously done through completing a brief. This also provides a way to document my ongoing practice through social media. The documentation will be of subjects that have been highlighted in terms of; wanting to learn more about such creative area, practicing skills using software and exploring alternative styles. 

Monday, 2 October 2017

Photography - Branding

At the end of Level 5 I was approached by Kristina Sergeeva who is a Documentary Photographer studying on the photography course. I assisted her in the completion of a book that she was producing to showcase a series of photographs and interviews that she had carried out. This involved creating a simple coherent layout that focused on the photographs as well as working appropriately with the interview content. Due to Kristina's professionalism she was very active in the production of the book. We regularly met to complete the design of the publication which meant on hand feedback was given and the outcome was completed in an efficient amount of time. 

Following on from this collaboration, Kristina has asked if I would produce her self-branding pack for her. This is an opportunity that I am glad to have after having such a positive experience with the previous collaboration as well as already knowing the way that we work as creatives together. 

In the first meeting with Kristina to discuss the aspects of her branding package, she expressed the need for a series of business cards that she could hand out at an event she is attending in Paris in November. This provides an appropriate time frame to work on the first area of her branding. 

The brief:
Produce a business card for Kristina Sergeeva, a documentary photographer. The outcome will be used primarily used at the Paris Photo event.