Main poster text ideas:
Originally this began with Afternoon Tea, brought to you by Greenall's. It was decided that this sentence is too 'wordy' and needs to be more catchy and straight to the point. From this the following slogans were suggested:
- Get together with Greenall's
- Gather together with Greenall's
- Cheers to that
- Grab your squad, grab your Greenall's
Each of the slogans relate to their millennial target audience through the light hearted and fun tone of voice. Through the continuation of the discussion it was decided that 'Get together with Greenall's' would be the most appropriate form of text to use for the poster designs. This short yet informative piece of text advertises to the audience that they should hold a creative event with the Greenall's product. It would also relate to a more varied audience more so than some of the other suggests.
The social media hashtag:
- #greenallsafternoontea
- #greenallsteaparty
- #shareyourgreenalls
In a discussion based on the social media hashtags, it was mentioned that changing the wording to focus round a 'tea party' rather than 'afternoon tea' would be more appropriate to the younger target audience. This is due to the connotations that surround an afternoon tea, such as the event mainly involving the formal consumption of tea. On the other hand, a 'tea party' suggests a informal social atmosphere were a group of friend are enjoying each others company. This therefore indicates that Greenall's would be better associated to the spin off afternoon tea event, in the form of a tea party.
As highlighted, the brand would like the Union Jack to be involved in the designs. From this the initial sketches work around the inclusion of the flag. To develop from this, alternative ways of including the Union Jack have been sketched. These designs were influenced through the following designs:
This first design includes the illustration piece by Hatty Newman. This is a creative who I have recently been intorudced to through the Nicer Tuesday videos on It's Nice That. Hatty produces the illustrations using paper, which are then photographed in such a way that they appear flat. This has informed the idea that bunting made with the Union Jack design could be photographed in a similar way and then be used as the focus of the poster designs. This design could also be transferred to the tags.
Following on from the concept of photographing Union Jack bunting (mentioned in a feedback discussion as being a common thought when thinking of 'all things British) I was then led to consider a way in which this could be presented in a 'creative' yet 'disruptive' way. These are words that have been taken from the brief when describing the inclusion of the Union Jack. There are many connotations that could be taken from the word 'disruptive'. The obvious response to this being 'to cause mayhem' and therefore could provide a design that does not flow/is visually unappealing. The more ambiguous response is to consider how the design can work with the other content and be disruptive in a creative way. An example of how this would work is displayed through the above images. The photographed flowers are disruptive in terms of the text having to work round/through the text and in some times hiding certain sections of a letter.
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