Friday, 30 September 2016

Research - Books

Taking into consideration the feedback that was received from the presentation crit I undertook some research into art and photography books as well as those based around the subject of typography and Tynemouth itself. These are two areas that were explored during the group discussion. 

A Field Guide to Typography

 The main audience of this book is designers/students as well as those who have an interest in typography. The consideration of the audience is important as this has informed the information that is provided in the book as well as the design. Although the book is based on typography it could also be seen as a coffee table publication due to the high quality full bleed images and the size/weight of the publication. The highly informative text (informing the reader on the different typefaces used around the world) has been presented in an appropriate point size for reading This is an important consideration to make as having text that is too small to read reduces the legibility and readability. This is something to consider with the design of the book being produced.
Looking at the design of the book, the hardcover adds definition to the varnished content pages as well as allowing the book to stand alone on a table or book shelf. The positioning of the text on the front cover allows the illustration to be the main focus of the piece. This reflects the inside content design as the photographs, presented in a full bleed fashion, are able to to take a hierarchy over the text without the loss of the informative element of the book. A downside to the sleeve of the book is that the majority is white. This can result in the book getting dirty through the use of the publication which reflects the more coffee table book appearance of the piece. However, the handheld size of the book contradicts this purpose and demonstrates that it is a book to be used with purpose. 

Tynemouth & Cullercoats Through Time, Ken Hutchinson, Amberley Publishing Aug. 2013

Although the above images are taken from Amazon Preview, they give an idea of the structure, content and layout of the book. The content of the book is mainly based on the historical facts of the town which then leads to photographic comparisons of the town in a 'then and now' format. 
The overall appearance of the book is dated and would appeal to an older target audience due to the sans serif typeface, dull colours and the overall content nature. However, as the town is becoming more of a social scene for university students of Newcastle and young professionals as well as maintaining the element of a family vacation location, it is clear that there is a gap in the market to inform the new audience of the town of what there is in the town. Through researching books on Tynemouth, there were only dated examples that subject around the history of the town. This demonstrates that there is a gap in the market for a publication that is aimed at the town's more youthful visitors.

Newds Photography Zine (

This photography zine by Sal Nunkachov is made up of black and white imagery, presented in a range of different formats throughout the zine. This demonstrates how different page designs work together and keep the reader interested throughout. This is due to not having 'the expected' element that other photobooks have of the same layout on each page. Although the layouts may be different, the content remains of the same nature or subject therefore creating a consistancy in itself without having a consistent design to the pages. 

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