After sketching designs and receiving feedback, I have realised that I need to consider the print techniques that are open to use in this brief in more depth. This will determine certain elements of the design, for example colour and type size which are important in making the design work. I would like to experiment with these areas however need to know what will be unsuccessful and not work before trying out different compositions and design styles.
Screen Print
- no smaller than 10/12point text
- maximum of three or four colour print
- difficulty with alignment, but it can be done
+ no limit with the typeface choice
+ a range of inks are available (can mix to make own), metallic, glow in the dark
Mono - print
- small shapes are impossible to print as they get stuck to the roller
- difficult to bring in more than one colour other than white
- simplistic designs can work effectively and look professional
Letter Press
+ can print in a range of point sizes
- alignment is difficult therefore ma spoil the print
- smudges are easily made
- limited typeface availability
After researching and writing the pros and cons of the print methods, I would like to experiment with each of the processes for the designs. It is a trail and error process to determine which print method is the most effective. From the evaluation, screen print will possibly be the most effective method as it will not limit me with the design as much as the other print methods. It is also a process that I have not yet experimented with therefore would like to become more confident in this method for the future.
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