This is the first brief that I have experienced a wave of ideas when being briefed. It is a design area that I have previously explored and continue to keep up to date with due to my passion for this area of design. This also made the idea process a lot stronger as I had alternative inspiration to complete the brief.
I set myself a timescale for this brief, working on and completing one design each day. Although I did not complete a design for everyday that I was working on the brief I did only spend one day on each design. From this I feel confident that I explored a range of designs for the brief and stuck to the time limit when possible. Working through the idea process has been something that I have previously lacked in projects therefore wanted to work towards exploring more ideas rather than just sticking to one. I have achieved this by being more strict with my time management as is something that I hope to be able to transfer into other briefs.
After completing a brief that I am passionate about I feel confident with the programme and in myself. It has highlighted areas that I am inspired by and enjoy producing work for, rather than feeling that I am just completing work to be marked. These areas include the actual designing of the vinyl sleeve as well as the paint and digital methods that I used to produce the designs. This is something that I will be able to fully reflect on in PPP as it is a contributing factor to me finding myself as a designer.
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